Insurance for Our Behinds

We all know how famous people want to keep their social status and they usually do it by engaging with all sorts of interesting stuff. They want to ensure things to probably cement their legacy. One thing that comes to our mind is Jennifer Lopez’s butt.

For those who didn’t know, J. Lo is famous for getting an insurance policy for her behind and she did that with style. In fact, she might have a bigger insurance policy than the rest of us. Can you imagine someone insuring his butt for a whopping $27 million? There weren’t many details on how much her monthly premium costs with her policy but having that in the first place is really insane.

Twins for the Win!

Having a newborn is a great feeling to any parents but imagine doubling that up with twins. If that’s the case, you should go with an insurance company from London that offers financial assistance in the event that your family ever gets multiple births at once such as twins.

Just take a look at the family that was on the receiving end of the policy. They opted for a plan right before they conceived and fortunately, they were able to get twins on the first try. After a couple of years, they opted for another one, and surprisingly, they got twins again in the bag! That’s what you call complete luck and just like the old saying goes, “twins for the win!”

It’s The Garage Door’s Fault

Many people overlook the homeowners’ insurance policy but it clearly has its own place in the market. These policies would help us a long way when it comes to fires, damages, or even robberies. Now speaking of robberies, this story is a funny one.

The owners of the house went for a week-long vacation and that time became the window of opportunity for a certain individual to make quick cash from committing a burglary. Everything seemed to be going the thief’s way but was suddenly put on halt, thanks to the faulty garage door opener that wouldn’t work. He stayed in the house for the whole week and filed an insurance claim citing mental anguish for the time he spent on lockdown.

A Wacky Winter Trip

Winter season is a great time for anybody who wants to experience the adrenaline rush provided by skiing. That’s exactly what a woman felt when he traveled up to the Alpines and brought all sorts of skiing stuff. After all, she needs to have all kinds of things when she goes down the icy slopes.

However, her trip ended up with disappointment as she wasn’t able to showcase her brand new pair of skis. From the looks of things, there wasn’t enough snow on the ground to show off her new set of gears when she arrived at the place. What did she do? Apparently, she filed a claim against her travel insurance citing all the reasons above. A pretty wacky claim, right?

Get Your Story Right

If ever you get a chance to work in an insurance company, especially in the claims department, you’ll hear all kinds of unbelievable stories. You don’t believe us? Just take a look at a claim for a stolen boat.

The policyholders filed a claim stating that their boat just mystically went missing from their enclosed garage. Seems like a viable story since that boat would fetch a lot of easy money. However, after further investigation, they found out that the boat that went missing was around 30 feet long while his garage slot only came out for 24 feet. Now, how would you fit a 30-foot boat in that tight space? In the end, instead of getting paid, they were fined for their attempt.

Be Mindful on Where We Bury Things

Beachlines are a great place to have a very relaxing moment with the family. We can all enjoy the sun, the waves, and the sands. However, if we usually do this as our regular family activity, we have to make sure that we have enough insurance coverage for our gadgets, especially if we have kids.

That’s the hard and cold truth a family learned after their two kids managed to get their hands on their parents’ video camera. They played along with it taking a couple of videos along the way until they decided to bury the unsuspecting video cam under the sand. Everything seemed to be going fine until they can’t remember where exactly they buried it.

There Goes My Diamond Ring

They say that diamonds are a girl’s best friend and for the most part, it seems like it is true. That’s why many guys use their credit cards just to get that diamond ring for that special girl. However, there was a really funny story that happened to a woman with her expensive diamond ring.

She filed a claim for her diamond ring when an unsuspecting goose plucked her diamond ring and swallowed it down to its guts. The lady searched for her diamond ring in the goose’s droppings but wasn’t successful in that regard. She patiently waited for a couple of weeks but with little to no success. Things went from bad to worse when the goose decided to fly away, taking the diamond ring with it.

Lost Fur Coat Found

We know fur coats are pretty expensive, and most credit cards can hardly afford it. That’s why people love to file a claim whenever their expensive fur coat gets lost. However, this lady had a few tricks on her sleeves to get quick cash from her lost fur coat.

She apparently filed a $10,000 claim for that, but her pretty well-thought plan turned out not so well-thought after all. After doing a couple of investigations, her lost fur coat surprisingly appeared right in her storage, complete with her initials monogrammed on the coat. To add salt onto the wound, the insurance company found the coat’s receipt and discovered that the coat only cost around $10,000.

Doggie Painter

Renovation loans can be a tough gig to handle, especially if we are just doing all the labor ourselves. However, here’s a story of a lady and her four-legged buddy doing all the dirty work for painting their home with a new look.

The lady’s dog picked up a trick and apparently, it mimicked its owner with a paintbrush but instead of a brush, the pooch used its own tail to get things done. Judging from the quality of work the four-legged friend did, we can say it’s still a long way ahead before the lady can tell that her furry friend is a professional painter. However, there’s a lot of room for improvement, so be on the lookout.

Free Tacos for All

Back in the early 2000s, Taco Bell made a bold statement regarding their prediction of where the Mir space station hits back to Earth. To make their assumptions fair, they decided that the landing would take place somewhere down the South Pacific, and if it happened to hit their 40 by 40-foot bull’s eye, they would give free tacos for everyone in the U.S.

To ensure that their company still has something left in case the target hits their mark, they purchased an insurance policy to cover any possible losses. That’s a smart move from them if you ask us since you can’t always tell what would happen in the future. Just imagine how quickly they would get into the bankruptcy lane in case that reached their target.
