Legs Are Safe!

It is always a must-have for all supermodels to have very gorgeous and almost heavenly legs so we can see why these people would do everything just to keep them in tip-top shape. Let’s go ahead and take a look at the actress, television personality, and supermodel Heidi Klum and her beloved legs.

To give us a quick numerical value of Klum’s legs, we can say that it would be at around $2 million for both legs. However, we have to take note that one of her legs has less insurance than the other. This was due to a scar that she got back during her childhood years. So for any aspiring models out there, we would say take extra care of your body parts so you guys won’t regret it in the future.

Take a Look At My Feet

The Irish dancer and musician Michael Flatley has one of the ridiculous insurance policies in the days. At one point, his feet (yes, we are talking about his feet) got a price tag of around $51.8 million.

Why and how did his set of feet were properly insured? Well, apparently, his feat at the Guinness World Records was just one of the reasons for that insane amount. However, in reality, that’s because of the contribution he made with the modernization of the traditional Irish dance that earned him the title of an icon. He retired a couple of years ago because of the pain that he suffered on his spine, knees, and foot. Probably, we can link those pains with the constant stress he got from dancing.

When All-Stars Aligned

Small business owners in the UK are well-protected from various threats that can potentially affect their investment ventures. They carefully thought of everything, including the possibility of employees quitting their jobs after winning a huge prize pot coming from a lottery.

They drafted the policy because of an event that happened during the later part of the 2000s when a small company in the UK made headlines after most of their employees won the lottery. The risk of affecting the business heightened when most of them decided to quit their jobs. In cases that we experience the same fate as that company, we would be more secure, and we can provide an extra layer of security for our beloved business.

Shampoo-Powered Car

When we are in a pinch, it is best to employ unusual knowledge and wisdom from this world by using ordinary objects as an alternative. A prime example of that would be shampoo at the time we ran out of body wash while we are taking showers.

However, there’s a lady in Northern Ireland that took this approach to a whole new level. She pretty much used her shampoo bottle and accidentally poured it over her vehicle’s gas tank. The lady then filed a claim for the damaged vehicle. We just didn’t know what both parties agreed about the outcome of the claim, but we are pretty sure this lady learned her lesson that automotive and shampoo don’t mix well with each other.


Repairing a boiler is not a pleasant treat for any homeowners, and sometimes, it can be deadly if left unchecked. But with the amount of money involved in fixing that thing up, we can understand why most people cut corners to downsize their projected repair cost by hiring an amateur plumbing service crew.

However, this wasn’t a pretty idea, and they learned that the hard way when their boiler built up an enormous amount of pressure and subsequently destroyed a portion of their house along with a couple of several parked cars in the process. We are sure that they will refrain from hiring non-experts to a job that requires huge consideration for safety. Good thing, no one was hurt with the predicament.

Fire From Sparkler

We often see various signages when we are throwing out our garbage into a bin. However, we don’t often see a warning sign that says no fireworks in dog-waste bins. This was the hard lesson some people learned when a lit sparkler was dumped into a bin filled with dog poop. They later found out that the two didn’t mesh well with each other until they saw fire around the vicinity. The fire even took out a portion of a nearby furniture store that quickly burned into a crisp.

From the looks of things, the insurance company helped these guys back to their feet, but we are certain that they would never again mix a lit firework or sparkler with a waste bin without any extra precaution.

It Was Her Fault, Not Mine!

There’s a rule that will keep us safe on the roads, and it’s always keeping our eyes on the road. But based on the explanation that a man gave for his insurance claim, things went a little overboard.

This man was driving around the neighborhood together with her mother-in-law, and all of a sudden, the two got involved in a weird vehicular accident. The man was pulling from the side of a road and got distracted after he made a quick glance at his mother-in-law. Now we are not sure what caused him to be distracted down the scene, but they later found themselves right at the embankment on the sides of the road. Good thing, the two of them never got injured during the accident.

Warn Me Next Time

Two cars colliding with each other is never a good sight for everyone. But the good news is, insurance companies are there to help us with financial assistance if we find ourselves in that kind of situation.

However, it is noteworthy that some companies will do their own investigation to find out the real story behind an incident. One of the company drivers who got tangled up with the incident had his head in the swivel. He later stated that the car that bumped him didn’t even give him a warning of the other driver’s intention of bumping into his car. That raises one question in mind, did the other driver know what his intention was for crashing his car as well?

Attack of the Guinea Pigs

Like any other vehicle out there, cycling also poses a huge threat to some of us, especially to this dude who filed an insurance claim after breaking his arm. We are not talking about a regular crash on his bike, but it seemed like it was all because of a parade of guinea pigs that just appeared out of the blue.

Good thing, two people back his claim up, the farmer and his daughter, who are the owners of the guinea pigs. If it weren’t for them, his story wouldn’t give a lot of traction for him getting paid. Now he can use that money for his rehabilitation. To bounce back from this predicament, just be careful of what you encounter on the road.

On or Off the Ground?

Insurance companies love to take a look at the technicalities of what transpired their clients to file a claim, but this question is in a league of its own. It all happened when an unsuspecting man and his kids were just driving around their neighborhood on the way to the kids’ preschool.

Things got a little spicy when a giant buck appeared out of nowhere and smashed into the car. Luckily, no one got seriously injured during the event except for the severely damaged car. The biggest question thrown at him by his insurance company that sparked his attention was when he was asked if the buck’s feet were on or off the ground. Who would even look for the feet of an animal that suddenly appeared and smashed itself into the vehicle?
