Just Setting Off Some Steam

Most insurance companies use all the minute details to their advantage just to deny a claim, and we should be all aware of that. However, there’s a company that took this to a whole new level, and it would even count as one of the funniest denial reasons on the face of the planet. Let’s take a look at their story.

A family went out for a weekend getaway, but before that, they put all their laundry in the washing machine for a spin. However, the washer was stuck in a boiling cycle, and a huge portion of the kitchen got damaged by steam. From their insurer’s standpoint, they haven’t got any coverage for steam damage, so the family went into a small claims court to settle things. The company still stood their ground and they denied the claim because steam damage was not part of the plan, but the judge sided in the family’s favor since steam and water are pretty much the same. In the end, the family got paid for the damages.

That House Hit My Car

We often see a car hit a fence of a house, but we have to agree that we rarely see a car that was hit by a house. That’s exactly what happened to a car owner when a moving company tried to move a house with a huge truck. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until the house began to wobble and ultimately fell to the ground.

Unfortunately, a car was hit during the process and smashed the car to smithereens. The claim must be really hard to believe if we just look at it from the paper, but the moving company and a couple of eyewitnesses confirmed the situation, so the claim got paid.

Sorry, Hon, Our Car Was Hit By A Submarine

Land accidents involving automobiles are a pretty common sight. After all, there are millions of wheels present on the road, so we have to keep an eye for any potential threats that we may see on our way. However, there’s always a risk that lurks around the corner even if we take all the available precautions. During these situations, it is best if we have good auto insurance coverage as well.

Just take a look at a lady and her car that was just simply parked inside a port parking lot. She was just there to meet with her husband but surprised herself when a couple of Navy officers approached her about her car’s fate. Apparently, a submarine was also parked in the dock when it slipped its way, causing her car to fall into the abyss.

Horn Versus Moo!

There’s an insurance claim back in the days about a certain driver who collided his vehicle with a cow. Good thing, he was just driving at a moderate speed, and the whole commotion didn’t seriously hurt the cow nor the driver but left him with a damaged vehicle.

The driver followed the procedure and filed a claim form to his insurance company, but the wacky thing is just about to start. He answered all the necessary fields in his form and stated the events during the incident. Things were looking normal up to the point where he was asked if he did some sort of a warning, the driver answered “horn.” The next question asked was what warning the other party (the cow) did. He simply wrote a “moo.”

The Pup Flooded The Floor

This might be the reason why most property owners have a strict no-pets policy. In Wyoming, a rental property owner might implement that rule after one of her tenants’ dog overflowed the bathroom sink and flooded the whole house. It all started when this pup’s owners went outside for a quick errand run.

The tenants left their lovely four-legged friend inside the bathroom, complete with stocks such as food and water. However, their pup had another plan in mind. It found its way onto the sink, set the water stopper, and managed to turn on the water. Thus, flooding the whole residence. According to reports, the house flooring and a couple of cabinets downstairs got water damages all over.

Some Clown Hit Me!

People who get injured usually call names to those who injured them, and that’s the assumption of a claims agent when he was talking in the other line with one of his longtime clients. The incident went like this:

His client, a doctor, was hit by “a bunch of clowns,” damaging his car in the process. He was asked what happened to the car and a few details about the incident. The doctor simply replied that “some clowns” hit his car. The claims officer clarified the term clowns, but the doctor stated that the man behind the wheels is a real-life clown. He sure has a funny insurance claim story, and this would go down in history as one of the most classic ones.

The Tale of Two Dogs, Squirrel, and a Car

One lovely day, two dogs spotted a playful squirrel down the lane, and they decided to chase the little fella. They ran around the block and as we all know, survival instincts kicked in for the squirrel as it decided to run to the nearest safe spot. It managed to hide into the engine compartment of an unsuspecting car parked along the side of the road.

The two dogs were still in hot pursuit of the little rodent, which means they did everything to reach the little one under the hood. We just have to mention that these dogs (a St. Bernard and a Golden Retriever) were a little bit too much for the car to handle. At the end of the day, no one got injured, but the car owner would definitely go to the insurance company after he found his car filled with bite and scratch marks coming from the two giant dogs.

A Lovely Cherry Red Car

A man borrowed his wife’s car for an out-of-town meeting. Everything went well for him and he was already on his way home when he found himself stuck in a herd of goats sitting in the middle of the road. He wanted them to make way for him and he started doing things that he later regretted.

First off, he revved up the gas pedal, but to no avail, the goats stood their ground. He then flashed his lights, but still, the goats didn’t even move a muscle. He slowly drove his wife’s car closer to the herd and blew his horn, and that seemed to do the trick. The only problem, two of the goats went onto the roof of his wife’s car giving him a couple of dents, damaged paints, and a few scratches on the beautiful cherry red car.


Nature is full of wonders, and so are the animals that live within that ground. However, when a moose got tangled up on a swing set from the local playground, we can clearly see why experts call these animals wildlife.

From the looks of things, that moose certainly lived up to its reputation as a wild animal as it plowed its way towards a couple of houses, damaging the yards and everything on its path. The moose was able to free himself from the swing set and managed to run to the luscious woods. On the other hand, the insurance company shouldered the bill of restoring any damaged goods within the vicinity as an accidental loss.

$7,000,000 For Chest Hairs

We all know and love Tom Jones and his iconic music. He was pretty well-received especially during his prime and we can see why. He also tallied a successful run in the entertainment scenes that brought him a truck-load of money into his bank account, and what do you usually do with that kind of money? Well, how about insuring a body part just like what most celebrities do.

However, he took this approach a couple of notches by placing a $7,000,000 worth of insurance policy on his chest hairs. Surprisingly, Lloyds of London agreed with the terms and there you have it. Tom Jones officially got his chest hair insured and he’ll get tons of money back in case something happens with his beloved chest hairs.

You’ve Reached The End
