Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson is one of the highest-paid celebrities in the industry. However, being in her position isn’t all roses. Whilst she has received plenty of opportunities to portray varying roles in film, she also had to maintain her physique and overall image for it. The actress gave birth to a daughter back in 2014 and surprised fans, as well as critics after she managed to drop the baby-weight just months after.

During this period, Scarlett Johansson became a mother. In order to take both filming and family into consideration, the coach arranged special training for her. Each time, she had to do intensive exercise for 3-6 weeks. It can not only exercise muscles but also maintain an attractive body shape. At the same time, it can cope with the action scenes of the black widow, so as to meet the requirements of the black widow’s ability to lift 500 pounds.
