It’s not every day we see action stars with outstandingly handsome faces. All credit goes to Kevin Costner and Bruce Willis for their contribution to the film industry. Kevin Costner is the bodyguard we all desire. One way of expressing love and devotion to your family is to know the balance between alone time and gathering time.

One of the investments Kevin wanted to make was in a calm place where he could reconnect with nature anytime he wanted to. Thanks to his creative imagination, he was able to design the home to fit his tastes perfectly. People who’ve seen the house say it looks as comfortable as a grandma’s house. Aspen sits 8,000 feet above sea level. Aside from the gorgeous view, this home also has a giant valley, a bank to the river, a forest with perfectly gold birch trees, and 3 lodges that can accommodate 34 people. Both Bruce and Kevin definitely know how to live! And the best evidence for this is their perfect homes.
