Sissy Spacek – VIRGINIA, Undisclosed Amount

Sissy Spacek and Jessica Lange both appeared in the star-studded movie, Crimes of the Heart, in 1986. These country gals proved their mettle in Hollywood over the years, with Spacek’s Carrie being one of her most popular movies. They prefer to stay away from Hollywood, away from all the glitz and glamor. Recently, Spacek has penned a memoir entitled My Extraordinary Ordinary Life, where she drew inspiration from her Virginia farmhouse.

It is not disclosed how much Sissy Spacek’s farmhouse in Virginia is, but it is the place where she spent most of her time raising her family. Her investments include several horses and she considers herself both a fledgling farmer and gardener. Both Spacek’s and Lange’s country roots are seen in their choice of homes, which is why it is hard to determine which has the better residence between the two.
