Will Smith – CALABASAS, $32.3 Million

Will Smith and Matt Damon are both award-winning A-list actors. From movies, television shows, and brand endorsement deals, the two are increasing their net worth each year.

Of course, who could forget Will Smith’s claim to fame in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? He then bagged multiple projects here and there, allowing him to buy just about anything he wants. Despite this spending habit, the actor is actually smart on money management. While he makes sure to put his money to good use, the comedic actor also purchases properties that can give him and his family with Jada Pinkett Smith the luxury and comfort they deserve.

His mansion in Calabasas is just one proof. Set at $32.3 million, Will Smith’s property was bought in 2003. Overall, it took about seven years to complete the amenities of the estate— from basketball and tennis courts, sunken trampolines, massive garages, home theater, recording studios, and swimming pool, among others.
