Arnold Schwarzenegger | The Terminator (The Terminator Movies)

Before becoming one of today’s most iconic celebrities, Arnold Schwarzenegger began his career as a bodybuilder. During that time, Arnold also had a side job in the bricklaying business, which helped him settle personal loans. To this day, Arnold remains just as humble as he was back then when he didn’t have worldwide fame. In fact, he has also recently gained recognition for uplifting many of his fans on online social media platforms!

Although he is known outside the spotlight as an overall nice guy, Arnold has portrayed more than a few intimidating characters throughout his acting career. With that said, one of the actor’s most recognized roles is, of course, the titular lead in The Terminator movies. Despite his initial outing as a silent killing machine, the character has since transitioned into a heroic protector. Even so, that didn’t do anything to reduce his tough-guy aura at all.
