Mark Ruffalo | The Hulk (Avengers, MCU)

Marvel Cinematic Universe’s take of The Hulk is one of the favorites in the film franchise, and that’s not surprising at all with how funny and lovable he is! Mark Ruffalo portrayed Bruce Banner, who becomes the Hulk when he gets outraged. The character is supposed to be big and scary, but all the kids love the green giant! As a human, Bruce is very different from his angry alter-ego, but Ruffalo knew how to be both. The Hulk became more than just a character who smashed things and climbed buildings and became someone who had character development.

The investment in Hulk’s character was worth it because the audience loves the character.Ruffalo is a humble man in real life, and he’s very transparent about who he is. He doesn’t filter himself for people, and there are many moments where he just expresses his joy about his co-workers. The actor has fantastic humor that people love. He is just as lovable as the Hulk!
