Kyle Eastwood – Clint Eastwood’s Son

Kyle Eastwood is Clint Eastwood’s second child from his first marriage with Maggie Johnson. Unlike his sister, Kyle opted to pursue a role that allowed him to be creative behind the scenes. He may not have a long list of film credits like his siblings, but he surely has a unique talent. Kyle Eastwood is known for being the musician among his siblings, and he’s already released a handful of albums. If you’re into jazz and music overall, his album The View From Here & From There to Here is definitely a must-listen!

Being a musician certainly didn’t exempt Kyle from participating in the family business. He’s contributed a ton of his music to numerous Clint Eastwood films. Kyle has played a vital role in the soundtrack for Million Dollar Baby, Gran Torino, Letter From Iwo Jima, and many more! As of this writing, he still goes on numerous jazz performances, and he’s managed to earn a $10 million fortune for himself!
