Tricia Leigh Fisher – Connie Stevens’ Daughter

Connie Stevens didn’t just give birth to one entertainer, rather, she was able to produce two! Tricia Leigh Fisher is Connie’s second child with fellow entertainer Eddie Fisher. Tricia Leigh certainly honored the family tradition and became an actress herself. Like the other people in their household, Tricia Leigh carved a career in acting and landed several credit roles in film and TV shows. Her most notable role was in Power Rangers: Bio-Man, where she took on the role of “Trini Crystal,” or Power Ranger Yellow, in the 1986 series.

One could speculate whether Tricia and her sister got numerous acting roles because they are both Connie Stevens’ daughters. However, Tricia Leigh didn’t just settle for an acting career. She’s also managed to carve a music career for herself and has released two studio albums, as well as numerous hit singles and.
