Chudney Ross – Diana Ross’ Daughter

Chudney Ross is one of Diana Ross’s daughters, and just like the I’m Coming Out singer and her sisters, she also has a passion for working in show business. Unlike her mother and her siblings, Chudney is more interested in the behind-the-scenes work instead of the spotlight. Chudney decided to become a producer and production manager after she graduated from Georgetown University. She was the producer for the television series Mesmerized and the production manager for Fame.

Chudney’s credits contain more than just behind the scene jobs, such as being in the television series Fashion News Live from 2005 to 2014. She has also penned a children’s book called Lone Bean and founding a business investment called Books and Cookies. Diana is very proud of Chudney and her siblings for everything they’ve pursued and achieved in life. Her legacy lives on her children and grandchildren.
