Angel Iris Murphy Brown – Eddie Murphy’s Daughter

There’s always been a bit of a bad rep associated with people who have a lot of children. Some people think there’s bound to be some neglect, but this isn’t always the case. Just take Eddie Murphy’s brood of 10 for example. Not only were they all cared for, each one has grown up to be successful on their own. Legendary Eddie Murphy is most notably known for his outstanding skills as showcased in his hit films Coming to America, The Nutty Professor, and Dr. Doctor Dolittle.

These are just some a few of the notable films he has to his name. Aside from contributing much to the world of comedy, whether it be through acting, he is also known for the investments he has made toward his children. This includes his daughter, Angel Iris Murphy Brown. She is his youngest and only child with singer-actress, Melanie B.
