Jared James Belushi – Jim Belushi’s Son

If there is anything Jim Belushi could be proud of, apart from his long career in Hollywood, it is the fact that his sons followed his career path. His eldest, Robert, and the youngest child, Jared James, are both actors. Jared, apart from being an actor, is also a musician and a singer. Unlike his father, who has no social media presence, the young Belushi has a strong presence online, being active on Instagram and the video-sharing app, TikTok.

He currently studies at Crossroads School in Santa Monica, California, and is playing for the school’s varsity team. His dad would usually pay a visit to the school to see Jared James play soccer during his free time. It is good that the actor is making investments in soccer as it could also be an alternative career path for him. He might even go professional in the future.
